If you would like to watch this interview in video format and with Spanish subtitles, you can find it on YouTube here:  https://youtu.be/iOEq-6K8eog

One of the most common questions about the Enneagram is, “Which Type combinations are most combatible in a relationship?” There is no simple answer to that question. If both people are investing in their own personal growth, any combination of the Enneagram can work. It is also VERY important to know your partner well! It is my hope that these interviews will help you understand the different Enneatypes a little more and how they relate specifically to other Types.

In this interview you will meet Peter & Elisabeth Bennett. Peter is an Enneatype 1, The Reformer, and Elisabeth is an Enneatype 4, The Individualist. There are many differences between these two Types, but you will be surprised by the things they have in common! You will hear the experiences that Peter & Elisabeth have had that have helped them get to know each other better and grow together. And they will give you tips and advice on how to make this combination a DYNAMIC DUO!

Interested in learning more about Enneagram Life and all that Elisabeth offers?:

• Website:  https://www.elisabethbennettenneagram.com/
• Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/enneagram.life/

Elisabeth’s books can be found everywhere books are sold!


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